Friday, 15 October 2010

Make a list...Blog no.3 18/9/09

I’ve started a list of books I’m going to read to my child.
Very hungry caterpillar
Mr Men
When we were very young
Now we are 6
Winnie the Pooh
The house at Pooh Corner
Where the wild things are
The Gruffalo
Charlie and Lola
Green eggs and ham
I’m sure this will grow but these are the definites so far.  I read a lot of Ladybird books as a kid, but I’m not sure I want my child to read them as I had a rather upsetting experience some 20 years later….

Do you remember Chicken Licken?  The idiot chicken who thinks the sky is falling in when an acorn falls on his head?  Well, he goes off to tell the King, and on the way passes various farmyard animals (like Henny Penny and Goosey Loosey) and they all make their way to the King.  Anyway, they eventually meet Foxy Loxy (you can tell where this is going, as traditionally the fox is always the villain of the piece).  Foxy Loxy, being the only animal with a brain cell, knows that the sky isn’t falling in, and ends up lulling Chicken Licken into a false sense of security and then eating him.
Many years later, I came across the same story in my little brothers’ book collection.  Imagine my absolute horror to discover that the ending had been rewritten.  The fox didn’t eat anybody, and they all had a party at the King’s palace.  Complete and utter nonsense.  Maybe I should start a list of books that I disapprove of, and don’t want my child being exposed to.

I think lists are going to feature quite heavily in the next few months.  My husband and I have finally even started a baby names list.  Admittedly, it’s not very long, but I think that’s a good thing.  There are 2 boys names, and 6 girls (although one would be a middle name, and one’s a “bit middle class”.  I also thought one was too chavvy, but I’ve since revised my opinion on that one).  One of the most important things about choosing a name is whether it stands up to the “Tesco test”.  How would it sound if you had to shout it out in Tesco on a busy Saturday afternoon?  If it makes you sound like a lout, then choose again.

I’ve got a “Clubs & offers” list.  This is a list of all freebies and things I can send off for, like money-off vouchers.
Then there’s the “Stuff to buy” list.  Well there’ll be a few of those.  Stuff for the baby. stuff for the flat etc.  I think I’ll start those another day though.

Blimey, all this talk of lists is exhausting.  It makes me think of action, and being organised, and forward planning.  Is this what motherhood is all about? It is????  Oh dear me……

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